A New Year
The Bell 47 Helicopter Story
To all helicopter enthusiasts in 2019:
Now is your opportunity to purchase THE book on the history of the famous and iconic Bell 47 helicopter. I am putting The Bell 47 Helicopter Story on sale for February/March 2019 at the sale price of only $ 60.00 plus postage. this is a real bargain as the normal price is $ 89.95. Here is your chance to obtain this publication for your personal library. Stocks of the book are getting down so do not wait too long to buy your copy. Buy a book for yourself or your friends. This is the lowest price ever for the encyclopedia of the Bell Model 47 helicopter. You will not be disappointed. I have had glowing reports back from customers and no one has ever returned a copy.
Recent Customer Comments:
"The book arrived in great shape!!! Exceptional !!!! The photos of experimental prototypes of the different variants are priceless!!! Fantastic!! Lots of info to Digest."
"I received the book in the mail today. Wow !! It is going to take me some time to get through all the book but looking forward to it."
What can I say? My other book on Forestry Helicopters in Wildfire Management is also selling well. If you like helicopter history in Alberta Canada, this one is for you. Price $30.00 plus postage. Canadian buyers will have to pay the GST sales tax.
For your information, the Bell 47 books can be purchased on Amazon, E-Bay, the Vertical Flight Society, the Aviation Mega Store in The Netherlands,and the Niagara Aerospace Museum however you will have to pay full price. helicopterheritagecanada.com website is the place to get the real bargain. Do not miss out.
The attached photograph is Associated Helicopters modified Bell Model 47D rotary-wing aircraft in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. This was the first Canadian commercial helicopter in Alberta and arrived in the back of a dump truck back in 1950. Note that the helicopter is on wheeled gear. This was before skids were available for helicopters. The helicopter was first used in oil and gas exploration in northern Alberta and flown by a U.S. pilot for the first year. No Associated pilots were trained on helicopters at the time. Telleff Vassjo was the first Associated fixed wing pilot to be trained on the Bell 47D in the fall of 1950 at the airport in Edmonton, Alberta.
Bob Petite