Bell Model 47 Book

May 30, 2013 UPDATE


The last few months I have been working on finalizing  the text for the Bell Model 47 so that it was ready for the printer. The 29 chapters have been reviewed for any last minute changes. The book has been brought up to date with the latest on Scott's Bell 47, Inc take over of the Bell 47 Type Certificates and the future production of a turbine Bell 47GT-6 announced at the HAI helicopter convention in Las Vegas, Neveda  March 2013.

The 19 page index is complete. Total pages in the Bell 47 Story has swelled to 732 pages. The five color sections have been gone over again to ensure all photos are as crisp as possibe. The black and white photos have also been looked for the last time. The front and back matter has been rechecked for accuracy.

The dust jacket is being finalized now and should be completed in early June 2013. Hopefully the book will be going to the printer soon.It should be available by late summer or early fall.

Keep checking the website for the latest news.

Bob Petite