The Bell 47 Helicopter Book

Hello Helicopter Enthusiasts:

Fall is finally here and it is time to think about the upcoming December/January 2019/2020 festive holidays. Why not consider purchasing a highly recommended good book to read during the cold winter months. For all the aviation enthusiasts out there "The Bell 47 Helicopter Story" is the perfect gift. The special price of only $60.00 (regular $89.95) plus postage and GST tax for those living in Canada. What a bargain!  This price cannot be found anywhere else. This encyclopedia,  over 700 pages about the iconic Bell Model 47 helicopter is the most detailed ever published to date. LOTS of photographs with many in color. You cannot go wrong with this amazing book. None have ever been returned. In fact everyone that purchased the Bell 47 Book are more than pleased with all the detail and photographic coverage throughout the massive over 6 lbs. hardcover book.

The Bell 47 Book is the most thoroughly documented story of the world's first commercial helicopter ever written. Many of the photographs throughout the book have never been seen in print.

The story begins before the end of World War II at the Bell Aircraft Corporation's leased auto dealership garage near Gardenville, N.Y. Here President Larry Bell set up his secret "Gyro Test" program to develop the Model 30 helicopter under the direction of inventor Arthur Young and associates. The development and construction of four versions helicopter are covered in detail. The very successful Model 30 program morphed into the Model 47 helicopter and the birth of a new civilian rotary-wing industry. 

All models of the Bell 47 helicopter are detailed in depth from the early pre-production prototypes to when the last Bell 47 came off the production line in 1974. Military versions of the Bell 47 are also covered along with various types that never made it into production.  Bell 47 Licensees are also part of the book coverage, including up to date information on the many variations of the basic Bell Model 47.

The story ends with the sale of the Bell Model 47 type certificates in 2010 to Scott Churchill's Scotts Helicopters located in Le Sueur, Minnesota. Scott's-Bell 47,Inc. is the new name today.

Early helicopter pioneer Harold "Hal" Symes called this outstanding historical and pictorial history book "the encyclopedia of the Bell Model 47." 

You will learn all about the early pioneers who purchased new Bell 47s and more. In fact, I am confident readers will learn something new about the Bell 47 that they did not know before. This memorable Bell Model 47 helicopter history book will set new standards, due to its in depth quality and amazing selection of photographs and detailed captions. 

Whether you are a helicopter pilot, maintenance engineer/mechanic or a helicopter enthusiast, this valuable historical book is for you.

The above photograph is a Fabick Aircraft early Bell 47D helicopter on floats at the Edmonton Alberta Canada downtown airport taken in 1949 by photographer Norm Corness. The helicopter was used near Chard, northern Alberta, on a geophysical oil and gas survey.

Bob Petite